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Waiting for the Sun
Before sunrise, a young sunflower looks to the east – towards the golden sunrise. As the sun moves from east to west, the flower also turns west. When the sun goes down, the flower returns to its original position to the east and waits anxiously to begin the cycle the next day. No flower can […]

Monika Petersen åbner sin nye butik i Nyhavn
Jeg er meget stolt og glad for endelig at kunne åbne dørene til mit helt eget Print Studio & Butik i det charmerende, historiske område af København; Nyhavn. Vi har brugt nedlukning tiden på at skabe et trykke-værksted med tilhørende butikslokale i de smukke gamle rammer af en fredet bygning i hjertet af byen. Her […]

The Rembrandt Tulip
While primarily a painter of people, the Dutch artist Rembrandt van Rijn immortalized at least one tulip. In 1634 he painted his wife, Saskia van Uylenburgh, as Flora, goddess of spring and flowers, crowned with a wreath of blooms, of which the largest is a tulip. In Monika Petersens Lino Prints, its petals are unmistakably striped, with […]

Danish Architecture Center Exhibition
Placed between Kaare Klint, “The Founder of Danish Furniture Design” and Arne Jacobsen, “The Master of Details” at the Danish Architecture Center in Copenhagen, is an overwhelming recognition of the fantastic Lino Prints that Monika Petersen produces from her Atelier & Print Studio, in Nyhavn – Copenhagen.

The Red House in Nyhavn
Monika Petersen announces the opening of her new Nyhavn Store. I am very proud to say that I am finally opening the doors to my very own Print Studio & Store, in the famous area of central Copenhagen; Nyhavn. Originally, Nyhavn was a busy 17th Century commercial port where ships from all over the world would dock. The area was […]